Lima Gulf Bravo Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
Looking forward to Sunday. A buddy of mine (who owns 2 Staccato's .. an XC and a P, and probably a 3rd, a CS after tomorrow) has a membership to the Staccato ranch. So we are going there on Sunday.
Well have fun at Ram Ranch you lucky fucker Send picsLooking forward to Sunday. A buddy of mine (who owns 2 Staccato's .. an XC and a P, and probably a 3rd, a CS after tomorrow) has a membership to the Staccato ranch. So we are going there on Sunday.
And no.. not buying a Staccato. Although they are sweeeet.
Has anyone had their hands on one of these stocks? I am looking at putting one of these stocks on my base model 10/22 and a threaded barrel.
B-TM Folding Stock for the RUGER® 10/22®
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